Spiritual Collectives

  • A safe space to voice your spiritual questions and concerns?
  • People who listen deeply without trying to “fix” you?
  • The ability to really hear God’s voice and feel God’s presence?
  • See how God is at work in you and the world around you.
  • Feel connected to God and others in a deeper, more authentic way.
  • Be less anxious and more centered.
  • Pray in a natural & organic way that doesn’t feel forced or fake.

Spiritual Collectives are a space to develop an intentional practice of listening for the voice of God in scripture, daily life, and each other’s lives. Each collective houses an intimate setting of 5-8 people, who come together weekly for 8 weeks (in-person or online) to practice holy listening.

“The Spiritual Collectives are where you get to see God’s work in other’s lives. You get to see how different and unique each of our experiences are. It’s amazing to see how different our takes on the meditations are.”

– Participant from Spiritual Collectives Fall 2023

We will go over the unfamiliar format on the first meeting day and answer any questions. You don’t need to begin before then. If the app causes you frustration, consider turning off the sound and simply scroll to the main passage of the morning reflection. You can do your own Lectio meditation that way.

Your group will meet once a week for 90 minutes to practice “Holy Listening” together and share your responses to the question,“What is God saying to me and what will I do about it?”

The group takes turns sharing personal insights, questions or challenges prompted by their reflections on the video meditations while the rest of the group listens for the “still small voice” in the words of the speaker. We practice holding space for one another so there is no “cross-talk,” commentary or correction on what has been shared. We simply listen together.

The collectives are not a Bible study or even a discussion group. Rather, they are a space to deepen our ability to abide and hear God’s voice in the everydayness of life. They are an opportunity for building gentle accountability in our spiritual practices in a supportive environment.

The scripture meditations are prepared from the ancient wisdom of the Bible as well as contemporary experiences, cultural observations and artistic musings. Our Spiritual Collective facilitators range from curious questioners to seasoned Christians.