An Easter Offering, Otto Dix

On Love - Creative Prayer with Cornelia van Voorst. In our recent years of pandemic, paper hearts have graced our windows, and memes on social media call upon us to love one another, take care of one another.  In poetry, song, art and story, the power of love is invoked regularly. Yet when we are aware and overwhelmed by trouble in our world and in our own lives, talk of “love is the answer” can sound unrealistic...

Improvised Liturgy

When we witness great improvisation, we're floored. Somehow the performer magically knows what to say, what notes to play, what gestures come next! They leave us spellbound because (seemingly) out of nothing comes something special. But great improvisers are not working from nothing. They have clearly defined structures and frameworks within which to work. They … Continue reading Improvised Liturgy